July 6, 2021
Parents, NEW STUDENT registration is now available. If you are registering a student that is new to Paducah Public Schools and you have an e-mail address, use this link to begin r...

June 23, 2021
Kentucky Teacher A Publication of the Kentucky Education Association June 23, 2021 Chiffon Winston, a paraeducator who teaches digital
literacy to 1st- through 5th-gra...

June 23, 2021
The PTHS Site Based Council has selected Ronnie Stroud to be the new Assistant Principal & Dean of Students for the school.
Mr. Stroud taught at Paducah Tilghman High Sch...

June 23, 2021
Deatrik Kinney has been chosen by the Paducah Tilghman High School SBDM to be the school’s Assistant Principal & Athletics Director.
Mr. Kinney comes to PTHS from Todd Coun...
June 22, 2021
Mayor George Bray honored PPS Food Service Director Lynsi Barnhill by naming her a "Duchess of Paducah" the June 21 meeting of the Paducah Board of Education. Barnhill received th...

June 22, 2021
Here is a link to the video of the regular meeting of the Paducah Board of Education on June 21, 2021. Youtube link to BOE Meeting video.

June 21, 2021
Need a computer for online registration? Kiosk computers are
available now in all Paducah City Schools for you to register your
student(s). You can come to AN...