Paducah Public Schools Facilities Department

The PPS Facilities Department Exists to supervise the maintenance and construction of facilities to create an optimal learning environment for our students.
District Facility Use Form and Procedure
The building principal must approve all requests. Once approved by the building principal the organization representative is required to complete the facility use form and provide proof of liability insurance. The completed facility use form and proof of liability insurance must be return to the building principal prior to the date requested.
Here is a link to the Facility Use Policy.
Here is a link to the Facility Form, Insurance & Fees
Proof of Liability Insurance Required
To be legally responsible for any and all damage to individuals and school equipment, building(s), grounds, or facilities, resulting from use by the organization. To this end, the organization will procure sufficient liability insurance to indemnify the Board, school officers and employees for any injuries or property damage which might occur during the organization's use of the facilities. This insurance shall contain limits of $1,000,000 for bodily injury and $10,000 for property damage. A copy of the organization’s insurance certificate shall be filed with the Board prior to the date the organization uses the building. The Board shall require the renting organization to assume all liability for injury to individuals by reason of the lease of Board property and that the organization indemnify and save harmless the Board from any loss or damage thereby.
AHERA Annual Notice of Asbestos Management Plan