Technology Policies and Procedures

CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION                                                                              08.2323

Access to Electronic Media

(Acceptable Use Policy)

The Board supports reasonable access to various information formats for students, employees and the community and believes it is incumbent upon users to utilize this privilege in an appropriate and responsible manner as required by this policy and related procedures, which apply to all parties who use District technology.

Safety Procedures and Guidelines

The Superintendent shall develop and implement appropriate procedures to provide guidance for access to electronic media. Guidelines shall address teacher supervision of student computer use, ethical use of electronic media (including, but not limited to, the Internet, e-mail, and other District technological resources), and issues of privacy versus administrative review of electronic files and communications. In addition, guidelines shall prohibit utilization of networks for prohibited or illegal activities, the intentional spreading of embedded messages, or the use of other programs with the potential of damaging or destroying programs or data.

Students shall be provided instruction about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response.

Internet safety measures, which shall apply to all District-owned devices with Internet access or personal devices that are permitted to access the District’s network, shall be implemented that effectively address the following:

·         Controlling access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web;

·         Safety and security of minors when they are using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications;

·         Preventing unauthorized access, including “hacking’ and other unlawful activities by minors online;

·         Unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information regarding minors; and

·         Restricting minors’ access to materials harmful to them.

A technology protection measure may be disabled by the Board’s designee during use by an adult to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purpose.

The District shall provide reasonable public notice of, and at least one (1) public hearing or meeting to address and communicate its initial Internet safety measures.

Specific expectations for appropriate Internet use shall be reflected in the District’s code of acceptable behavior and discipline including appropriate orientation for staff and students.

Permission/Agreement Form

A written parental request shall be required prior to the student being granted independent access to electronic media involving District technological resources or previously authorized student owned resources.

The required permission/agreement form, which shall specify acceptable uses, rules of on‑line behavior, access privileges, and penalties for policy/procedural violations, must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of minor students (those under 18 years of age) and also by the student. This document shall be kept on file as a legal, binding document. In order to modify or rescind the agreement, the student's parent/guardian (or the student who is at least 18 years old) must provide the Superintendent with a written request.

Employee Use

Employees shall not use a code, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication unless they have been given authorization to do so. (Authorization is not required each time the electronic media is accessed in performance of one’s duties.) Each employee is responsible for the security of his/her own password.

Employees are encouraged to use electronic mail and other District technology resources to promote student learning and communication with the home and education-related entities. If those resources are used, they shall be used for purposes directly related to work-related activities.

Technology-based materials, activities and communication tools shall be appropriate for and within the range of the knowledge, understanding, age and maturity of students with whom they are used.

District employees and activity sponsors may set up blogs and other social networking accounts using District resources, if provided, and following District guidelines to promote communications with students, parents, and the community concerning school-related activities and for the purpose of supplementing classroom instruction.

Networking, communication and other options offering instructional benefits may be used for the purpose of supplementing classroom instruction and to promote communications with students and parents concerning school-related activities.

In order for District employees and activity sponsors to utilize a social networking site for instructional, administrative or other work-related communication purposes, they shall comply with the following:

1.      They shall request prior permission from the Superintendent/designee.

2.      If permission is granted, staff members will set up the site following any District guidelines developed by the Superintendent’s designee.

3.      Guidelines may specify whether access to the site must be given to school/District technology staff.

4.      If written parental consent is not otherwise granted through AUP forms provided by the District, staff shall notify parents of the site and obtain written permission for students to access the site prior to the students being granted such access. This permission shall be kept on file at the school as determined by the Principal.

5.      Once the site has been created, the sponsoring staff member is responsible for the following:

a.       Monitoring and managing the site to promote safe and acceptable use; and

b.      Observing confidentiality restrictions concerning release of student information under state and federal law.

Staff members are discouraged from creating personal social networking sites to which they invite students to follow or have access to. Employees taking such action do so at their own risk.

All employees shall be subject to disciplinary action if their conduct relating to use of technology or online resources violates this policy or other applicable policy, statutory or regulatory provisions governing employee conduct. The Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Certified Personnel requires certified staff to protect the health, safety, and emotional well-being of students and confidentiality of student information. Conduct in violation of this Code, including, but not limited to, such conduct relating to the use of technology or online resources, must be reported to the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) as required by law and may form the basis for disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Community Use

On recommendation of the Superintendent/designee, the Board shall determine when and which computer equipment, software, and information access systems will be available to the community.

Upon request to the Principal/designee, community members may have access to the Internet and other electronic information sources and programs available through the District’s technology system, provided they attend any required training and abide by the rules of usage established by the Superintendent/designee.

Disregard of Rules

Individuals who refuse to sign required acceptable use documents or who violate District rules governing the use of District technology shall be subject to loss or restriction of the privilege of using equipment, software, information access systems, or other computing and telecommunications technologies.

Employees and students shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination (employees) and expulsion (students) for violating this policy and acceptable use rules and regulations established by the school or District.

Responsibility for Damages

Individuals shall reimburse the Board for repair or replacement of District property lost, stolen, damaged, or vandalized while under their care. Students or staff members who deface a District web site or otherwise make unauthorized changes to a web site or otherwise damage any District technology equipment or software, shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion and termination, as appropriate.

Responding to Concerns

School officials shall apply the same criterion of educational suitability used to review other educational resources when questions arise concerning access to specific databases or other electronic media.

Audit of Use

Users with network access shall not utilize District resources to establish electronic mail accounts through third-party providers or any other nonstandard electronic mail system.

The Superintendent/designee shall establish a process to determine whether the District’s education technology is being used for purposes prohibited by law or for accessing sexually explicit materials. The process shall include, but not be limited to:

1.      Utilizing technology that meets requirements of Kentucky Administrative Regulations and that blocks or filters internet access for both minors and adults to certain visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or, with respect to computers with Internet access by minors, harmful to minors;

2.      Maintaining and securing a usage log; and

3.      Monitoring online activities of minors.

Retention of Records for E-Rate Participants

Following initial adoption, this policy and documentation of implementation shall be retained for at least ten (10) years after the last day of service in a particular funding year.


KRS 156.675; KRS 365.732; KRS 365.734

16 KAR 1:020 KAR 001:020 (Code of Ethics (Code of Ethics); 701 KAR 005:120

47 U.S.C. 254/Children’s Internet Protection Act; 47 C.F.R. 54.520

Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS)

47 C.F.R. 54.516; 15-ORD-190

Related Policies:

03.13214/03.23214; 03.1325/03.2325; 03.17/03.27

08.1353; 08.2322

09.14; 09.421; 09.422; 09.425; 09.426; 09.4261


Adopted/Amended: 7/20/2015

Order #:         57


CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION                                                                    08.2323 AP.1

Access to Electronic Media

Electronic Mail/Internet

The District offers students, staff, vendors, and members of the community access to the District’s computer network for electronic mail and Internet. Because access to the Internet may expose users to items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or offensive, we require all students under the age of eighteen (18) to submit a completed Parent Permission/User Agreement Form to the Principal/designee prior to access/use. All other users will be required to complete and submit a User Agreement Form.

Except in cases involving students who are at least eighteen (18) years of age and have no legal guardian, parents/guardians may request that the school/District:

Ÿ  Provide access so that the parent may examine the contents of their child(ren)'s email and/or files;

Ÿ  Terminate their child(ren)’s individual email account and/or Internet access; and

Ÿ  Provide alternative activities for their child(ren) that do not require Internet access.

In addition, parents wanting to challenge information accessed via the District’s technology resources should refer to Policy 08.2322/Review of Instructional Materials and any related procedures.

General Standards for Users

Standards for users shall be included in the District’s handbooks or other documents, which shall include specific guidelines for student, staff, vendor, and community member access to and use of electronic resources.

Access is a privilege—not a right. Users are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks. Independent access to network service is given to individuals who agree to act in a responsible manner. Users are required to comply with District standards and to honor the access/usage agreements they have signed. Beyond clarification of user standards, the District is not responsible for restricting, monitoring, or controlling the communications of individuals utilizing the network independently.

The network is provided for users to conduct research and to communicate with others. Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored. During school hours, teachers of younger children will guide their students to appropriate materials. Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility for such guidance as they exercise with information sources such as television, telephones, movies, radio, and other media that may carry/broadcast information.

District staff may bring personal electronic devices (including but not limited to laptops, tablets, and MP3 players) for use in the District if previously authorized by the school Principal and the District Director of Information Technologies. Such equipment may only be used for educational purposes. Staff members bringing personally owned equipment to school are solely responsible for the safety, security and support of such equipment. The District is not liable or responsible for any damages to those devices.

District employees shall use District-issued email addresses and approved District platforms and applications to conduct all District business-related electronic communications. Employees are discouraged from using other means of electronic communications for conducting District business (such as personal social media platforms and unapproved third party mobile apps). If an employee feels that circumstances warrant an exception to this rule, he/she should seek approval, in writing, from the building Principal and the District Director of Technology.

If employees utilize alternative means of electronic communications to conduct District business, they are still representing the District and should operate in accordance with all relevant personnel policies.

No Privacy Guarantee

The Superintendent/designee and District technology department have the right to access information stored in any user directory, on the current user screen, or in electronic mail. He/she may review and/or monitor files and communications to maintain system integrity and insure that individuals are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect files or communications stored on District servers or on District provided or sponsored technology services, to be private.

Rules and Regulations

Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.      Violating State and Federal legal requirements addressing student and employee rights to privacy, including unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information.

2.      Any unauthorized access/usage of District technology equipment or services.

3.      Transmitting or displaying offensive messages or pictures, including those that involve:

·         Profanity or obscenity; or

·         Harassing or intimidating communications.

4.      Damaging computer systems, computer networks, or school/District websites.

5.      Altering District computer systems, networks, or school/District technology services without the express permission of the school and District technology staff.

6.      Violating copyright laws, including illegal copying of commercial software and/or other protected material.

7.      Using another user’s password, “hacking” or gaining unauthorized access to computers or computer systems, or attempting to gain such unauthorized access.

8.      Trespassing in another user’s folder, work, or files or emails.

9.      Intentionally wasting limited resources, including downloading of freeware or shareware programs.

10.      Using the network for commercial purposes, financial gain or any illegal activity.

11.      Using technology resources to bully, threaten or attack a staff member, student or any person or to access and/or set up unauthorized blogs and online journals, including, but not limited to, or

12.      Usage of District email for non-educational purposes.

13.      Using third party email accounts (i.e. Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, etc.)

Additional rules and regulations may be found in District handbooks and/or other documents. Violations of these rules and regulations may result in loss of access/usage as well as other disciplinary or legal action.

Related Policies and Procedures:


