District Health Services

General info about Health Services
Health Office Staff
Jessica Colburn, RN
District Health Coordinator
Phone: 270-558-6156
Email: jessica.colburn@paducah.kyschools.us
Paducah Tilghman High School
Tammie Murdock LPN
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Phone: 270-558-6155
Fax: 270-444-5659
Paducah Middle School
Lisa Burchett RN
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Phone: 270-558-6551
Fax: 270-444-5709
Clark Elementary
Leslie Teer LPN
Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Phone: 270-558-6637
Fax: 270-442-6517
McNabb Elementary
Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Phone: 270-558-6798
Fax: 270-558-6161
Morgan Elementary
Carlene Staton LPN
Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Phone: 270-558-6163
Fax: 270-444-5763
Current Health Forms
Alphabetical Order
(Click link to download form)
Consent for School Based Health Services
Chronic Health Conditions Required Forms
Kindergarten Parent Letter (revised 2022)
KY Immunization Declination Form
KY Preventative Health Care Form (School Physical)
Permission Form for Prescribed or Over-the-Counter Medication Paducah Independent Schools
School Health Requirements (this is a list of immunizations/exams needed by grade for admission to school)
Kentucky Health Requirements for School Admission
Click here to go to the folder that contains all PPS Health forms.
· Current Kentucky Immunization Certificate must be on file at all times (additional immunization required at age 4). If Immunizations are declined, an Immunization Declination Form must be signed, notarized (with notary stamp)
· Proof of a physical exam completed on a Kentucky Preventative Health Care Examination Form
· An Eye exam completed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, submitted on the Kentucky Vision Examination Form
· Proof of a dental screening/exam conducted by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. The screening/exam must be on the Kentucky Dental/Examination Form
Kindergarten Parent Letter- This letter details the forms needed for upcoming Kindergarten students, if you would like to download it for reference.
· A current Kentucky Immunization Certificate must be on file at all times. If Immunizations are declined, an Immunization Declination Form must be signed, notarized (with notary stamp).
· Proof of a physical exam completed on a Kentucky Preventative Health Care Examination Form**
· An Eye exam completed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, submitted on the Kentucky Vision Examination Form**
· Proof of a dental screening/exam conducted by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. The screening/exam must be on the Kentucky Dental/Examination Form
** Indicates the form is not required if previously submitted in Paducah Public Preschool (Head Start)
Sixth Grade Parent Letter- This letter details the forms needed for upcoming Sixth grade students, if you would like to download it for reference.
· A current Kentucky Immunization Certificate must be on file at all times. If Immunizations are declined, an Immunization Declination Form must be signed, notarized (with notary stamp).
· An Eye exam completed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, submitted on the Kentucky Vision Examination Form (ages 5 & 6 only, if not previously submitted in preschool or Kindergarten)
· Proof of a dental screening/exam conducted by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. The screening/exam must be on the Kentucky Dental/Examination Form (ages 5 & 6 only, if not previously submitted in preschool or Kindergarten)
· A current Kentucky Immunization Certificate must be on file at all times. Additional immunizations are required at age 11-12. If Immunizations are declined, an Immunization Declination Form must be signed, notarized (with notary stamp).
· Proof of a physical exam completed on a Kentucky Preventative Health Care Examination Form (may be conducted up to 1 year prior to 6th grade entry)
· A current Kentucky Immunization Certificate must be on file at all times. Additional immunizations are required at age 16. If Immunizations are declined, an Immunization Declination Form must be signed, notarized (with notary stamp).
Required Forms for Health Conditions
If your child has a health condition and/or requires daily or emergency medications at school, an updated health plan is required for each new school year. Please complete the required paperwork as indicated below:
Any condition requiring medication at school or on a field trip:
Permission Form for Prescription or Over-The-Counter Medication Paducah Independent Schools
Prescription Medication: Form must be completed/signed by the doctor AND parent
Over the Counter Medications: Form must be completed/signed by the parent only
Permission Form for Prescription or Over-The-Counter Medication Paducah Independent Schools
Permission Form for Prescription or Over-The-Counter Medication Paducah Independent Schools
Doctors Diabetic Action Plan (This form will come from your doctor)
Permission Form for Prescription or Over-The-Counter Medication Paducah Independent Schools
Permission Form for Prescription or Over-The-Counter Medication Paducah Independent Schools