A message from 8th of August parade coordinator Stephanie Gray, to those planning to participate: "In case of inclement weather, the safety of the public is our main concern. Please stay tuned regarding the 8th of August plan of action for tomorrow's parade."
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Here's a copy of the 23-24 School year calendar for parents and students. We're looking forward to seeing you August 9!
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
image of school calendar
Parents! Remember, if you wish for your student(s) to ride a school bus, to or from school, it is required to make the request online. Please click https://www.ezrouting.com/paducah#/ for the transportation portal. (New users can click on ‘Create an account’. Existing users, if you forgot your password, use the Forgot Password link to retrieve it) If your student is already routed, a bus schedule will appear in your student's record. If a transportation change is needed, click on ‘Submit Student Transportation Request’. Your portal will be updated immediately after your student is scheduled on a bus, so please check your parent portal regularly. It will provide schedule information including bus #, stop location and scheduled stop times. You can also click on “Help” to view instructional videos. Thank you, and if we can further assist you, email transportation.request@paducah.kyschools.us or please call us at 270-444-5635 ext. 1202.
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Bus Rider Sign Up Graphic
We are so excited to welcome our students back to school! Please find a link for digital Breakfast and Lunch menus below: https://myschoolmenus.com/instance/1096/district/1110 A downloadable app can be found by searching "My School Menus" in your app store! With any questions, please contact the Nutrition Services office at 270.444.5600
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Kids and strawberries
Have you registered your kids for school? The window for online registration for the 2023-24 school year is open for new and returning students. You can find instructions for online registration here at https://www.paducah.kyschools.us/page/online-registration-for-2023-24-school-year
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Parents! Remember, if you wish for your student(s) to ride a school bus, to or from school, it is required to make the request online. Please click https://www.ezrouting.com/paducah#/ for the transportation portal. (New users can click on ‘Create an account’. Existing users, if you forgot your password, use the Forgot Password link to retrieve it) If your student is already routed, a bus schedule will appear in your student's record. If a transportation change is needed, click on ‘Submit Student Transportation Request’. Your portal will be updated immediately after your student is scheduled on a bus, so please check your parent portal regularly. It will provide schedule information including bus #, stop location and scheduled stop times. You can also click on “Help” to view instructional videos. Thank you, and if we can further assist you, email transportation.request@paducah.kyschools.us or please call us at 270-444-5635 ext. 1202.
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Bus Rider Sign Up Graphic
Have you registered your kids for school? The window for online registration for the 2023-24 school year is open for new and returning students. You can find instructions for online registration here at https://www.paducah.kyschools.us/page/online-registration-for-2023-24-school-year
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Online Registration Graphic
Parents! Remember, if you wish for your student(s) to ride a school bus, to or from school, it is required to make the request online. Please click https://www.ezrouting.com/paducah#/ for the transportation portal. (New users can click on ‘Create an account’. Existing users, if you forgot your password, use the Forgot Password link to retrieve it) If your student is already routed, a bus schedule will appear in your student's record. If a transportation change is needed, click on ‘Submit Student Transportation Request’. Your portal will be updated immediately after your student is scheduled on a bus, so please check your parent portal regularly. It will provide schedule information including bus #, stop location and scheduled stop times. You can also click on “Help” to view instructional videos. Thank you, and if we can further assist you, email transportation.request@paducah.kyschools.us or please call us at 270-444-5635 ext. 1202.
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Bus Rider Sign Up
Parents, if you want your student(s) to ride a school bus, to or from school, it is required to make the request online. Please click https://www.ezrouting.com/paducah#/ for the transportation portal. (New users can click on ‘Create an account’. Existing users, if you forgot your password, use the Forgot Password link to retrieve it.) If your student is already routed, a bus schedule will appear in your student's record. If a transportation change is needed, click on ‘Submit Student Transportation Request’. Your portal will be updated immediately after your student is scheduled on a bus, so please check your parent portal regularly. It will provide schedule information including bus #, stop location and scheduled stop times. You can also click on “Help” to view instructional videos. Thank you, and if we can further assist you, email transportation.request@paducah.kyschools.us or please call us at 270-444-5635 ext. 1202.
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Bus Rider Sign Up Graphic 202307
Have you registered your kids for school? The window for online registration for the 2023-24 school year is open for new and returning students. You can find instructions for online registration here at https://www.paducah.kyschools.us/page/online-registration-for-2023-24-school-year
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Online Registration Graphic
Here's a copy of the 23-24 School year calendar for parents and students. We're looking forward to seeing you August 9!
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
image of school calendar
Purchase District Health Department will be hosting physicals (Non-sport) and vaccinations for children of KY Medicaid and Uninsured KY residents on Thursday, July 13. You can schedule an appointment by calling 270-444-9631
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Wll Child Physical
Purchase District Health Department will be hosting physicals (Non-sport) and vaccinations for children of KY Medicaid and Uninsured KY residents on Thursday, July 13. You can schedule an appointment by calling 270-444-9631
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Back to School Physicals
Tornado Family, We want to let you know that start and end times for some of our schools will change in the 2023-24 school year. We believe these changes will contribute to the well-being of our students and help our bus routes move more efficiently. The longer school day at Paducah Middle School will allow us to offer seven academic periods instead of six. This will help prepare our students for high school. It will also allow additional elective opportunities so students who want to take band, choir and orchestra will be able to take all three classes. We understand that even small changes to our school schedules deeply impact our community and particularly our families who are juggling multiple work, school and family members’ schedules. We’re grateful for your patience as we implement these schedule changes. Look for more details from your school principal before school starts. We look forward to seeing you August 9! For each and every child, Dr. Donald Shively Superintendent, Paducah Public Schools
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
School Start and End times 23-24
Here's a copy of the 23-24 School year calendar for parents and students. We're looking forward to seeing you August 9!
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Image of school calendar
Purchase District Health Department will be hosting physicals (Non-sport) and vaccinations for children of KY Medicaid and Uninsured KY residents on July 13. You can schedule an appointment by calling 270-444-9631
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Well Child Physical
Purchase District Health Department will be hosting physicals (Non-sport) and vaccinations for children of KY Medicaid and Uninsured KY residents on Thursday, July 13. You can schedule an appointment by calling 270-444-9631
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Back to School Physicals Flyer
DON'T FORGET TO VISIT YOUR FAVORITE TORNADO TAKEOUT LOCATION ON THURSDAY, JUNE 29, THIS WILL BE OUR LAST DELIVERY DAY UNTIL AFTER THE JULY 4TH HOLIDAY! *IMPORTANT: OUR NEXT DELIVERY DAY WILL BE THURSDAY, JULY 6* -------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMER MEALS at no charge for anyone 0-18! *All children welcome, no matter what school district you attend!* June 6 - July 27 Delivery to community sites each Tuesday and Thursday Pickup also available at Paducah Middle Cafe (Located behind Paducah Middle School) Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM Tuesday: Pick up 3 days of meals Thursday: Pick up 4 days of meals
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Tornado Takeout Graphic 20230628
Here's a copy of the 23-24 School year calendar for parents and students. We're looking forward to seeing you in August!
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
Parents and Student Calendar for PPS
Here's a copy of the 23-24 School year calendar for parents and students. We're looking forward to seeing you in August!
over 1 year ago, Paducah Public Schools
PPS 23-24 School Calendar