Welcome to McNabb Elementary!

Each day we humbly boast that “We are the Best” because we truly believe we are. From the highly-qualified teachers that cover every classroom, to the well-prepared students who walk in our halls, we believe we have been granted the best of the best. We are a community-family school that recognizes our responsibilities extend a lot further than our four walls. The parents and siblings of our children are a part of our lives. As a KYCID Banner School, our expectations are high, but our students continue to surpass the expectations set before them. Come be a part of us and make yourself at home.
You will find important news and events here, but for a closer look at our day-to-day life at McNabb, look for us on social media.
You can find the McNabb Facebook page here.
You can find the McNabb Family Resource Center Facebook page here.
You can find the McNabb Elementary Guidance page here.